Spring clean at Golden Harvest Park

Sep 28, 2015ForThePlanet, Media

Article originally appeared in Randburg Sun – 28 Sep, 2015

GOLDEN HARVEST – Volunteers clean-up the Golden Harvest Park.

Friends of Golden Harvest held their annual clean-up in the Golden Harvest Park on 26 September.

Organiser Adri Albertyn said, ”There are people who clean the communal picnic and braai areas in the park regularly, but they don’t clean the rest of the park. So we try to have clean-ups where we pick up the rubbish between the trees and the surrounding areas.”

The park has become quite popular with the Parkrun, which is held every Saturday morning at 8am and is free for anyone wanting to either run or walk.

Albertyn added, “Some the the Parkrun participants have asked me to give them bags and volunteered to pick up litter while they are running or walking along the route, which will help us keep the park clean all year round.”

The Golden Harvest Park, situated in Montrose Avenue near Northgate is one of the largest green spaces in the area, and has a playground and braai facilities for visitors. There are also many recreation activities such as walking/jogging, fishing, mountain biking and bird watching.

Details: Friends of Golden Harvest Park info@foghp.co.za

Petra Laranjo picks up litter in the Golden Harvest Park.
Volunteers help clean up the Golden Harvest Park.

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