InOurSkins Campaign

Jul 1, 2018ForTheAnimals, Media

69 influencers and celebrities used their platforms for good when they stripped down to…not much really and we’re so grateful for that 😉

The intention was to photograph only ten celebrities but word got out and requests to participate came pouring in! We capped the campaign at 69, or we would never have actually gotten the campaign out in time to collect blankets, encourage adoption and raise funds for vulnerable pets in needs and our four animal shelter beneficiaries during the winter months.

The campaign was inspiring and impactful, with every person and brand involved really embracing the spirit of generosity and doing good.

We’re so grateful for each one of these wonderful humans who used their platforms to spread the #InOurSkins message.

And we absolutely couldn’t have done this without our awesome tribe of hair and make-up artists, human doggie-bag sponsors, venues, campaign photographer and numerous media platforms that interviewed and showcased the campaign.

We’ll definitely be doing this again but need you to join us as campaign partners if we’re to expand our impact together. Please drop us a mail if you’re interested.

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