67 minutes for Mandela Day

Jul 16, 2021ForTheAnimals

We are taking part in the Virtual #RUNN4Aid on Mandela Day, Sunday the 18th of July! Will you join us?

Run or walk for 67 minutes OR 6.7km for pets in need.

So excited and grateful that @motleycrewcrossfit and @crewrunners_sa have included JustOneThing365 as a beneficiary for their virtual #RUNN4Aid.

The RUNN will commence at 8AM and will continue for the duration of the day. We encourage you to complete it between the 8AM – 11AM period to really immerse yourself in the fun and energy of the day!

How the RUNN works:

1. Email crewrunnerssouthafrica@gmail.com OR info@motleycrewcrossfit.com to receive your RUNN number

2. Post your RUNN number to your Instagram story/FB and tag: @crewrunners_sa @motleycrewcrossfit @aid4animalsindistress and @justonething365 and use the hashtags #RUNN4Aid #MandelaDay2021

3. Feel free to make any donation via EFT using the below details and reference: Runn4Aid

JustOneThing365 NPC
Bank: First National Bank
Acc no: 627 6783 5526
Branch Code: 255355
Ref: Runn4Aid


Join us and let’s make a difference together!

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